

The instructions for installing Easy-MASM on Linux are almost identical to the instructions to installing on Windows. The only difference is you need to complete a few steps first:

  1. Install Wine on your computer. (If you’re using the CS Servers at UWindsor, Wine is already installed so you can skip this step)
  2. Clone this repo and save to your desired location:
git clone https://github.com/jere-mie/easy-masm
  1. Run cd easy-masm to go into the Easy-MASM directory.
  2. Run chmod +x run.sh in the terminal to make “run.sh” executable after you clone the repository (you only need to do this once)
  3. Edit any files in the src directory as needed.
  4. Follow the same steps as Windows users to run the program with the following exception: instead of typing run source or ./run source, type ./run.sh source (the run.sh file must be used instead of the run.bat file)

NOTE: if you’re using the CS Servers, you MUST run Easy-MASM on No Machine before running it via SSH
NOTE: if you’re having issues with wine, try running the following 2 commands (one at a time):

rm -rf ~/.wine

This should take a while, between 5 and 10 minutes.

NOTE: make sure your terminal isn’t in the src folder. If you are in the src folder, run cd .. to go back to the root of the easy-masm directory. (Also make sure you aren’t in the lib folder. Similarly, run cd .. to go back in the correct folder).