

Prerequisites before getting started with a local install

Make sure you have git installed. Download and install it here. Select the “64-bit Git for Windows Setup” option.

Steps For Windows Users

  1. Clone this repo and save to your desired location:
git clone https://github.com/jere-mie/easy-masm
  1. Run cd easy-masm to go into the Easy-MASM directory.

  2. Edit the source.asm file in the src folder as you need (or it can serve as a template for each new project)
    NOTE: Make sure you put all of your .asm files you want to run in the src folder. If they are not in the src folder they won’t be run
    NOTE: If you’re trying to run an example MASM file from another source, make sure you include these two lines after INCLUDELIB Irvine32.lib. If you don’t include the following two lines, the program will not be able to run.

INCLUDELIB kernel32.lib
INCLUDELIB user32.lib
  1. Run your program! Simply type .\run source (make sure you’re using \, not /)

Running files other than source.asm

If you want to run a file other than source.asm, the instructions are the same. The only difference is the command you run in step 3. Replace “source” with whatever the name of your file is without the .asm extension.
For example, to run Assignment1.asm, type either .\run Assignment1

NOTE: make sure your terminal isn’t in the src folder. If you are in the src folder, run cd .. to go back to the root of the easy-masm directory. (Also make sure you aren’t in the lib folder. Similarly, run cd .. to go back in the correct folder).